(latest items appear first)

News Logo Fun Day, 22nd June 2024

The Fun Day was a big success with around 20 children (plus parents) taking part. A large variety of activities kept everyone occupied, both onshore and on the water. The Almost Credible String Band played in the club house to an appreciative audience.

Some photos of the event are as follows. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Water Balloon Volleyball Water Balloon Volleyball
Water Balloon Volleyball Fun Day on The Water

News Logo Spring Race Results, 9th June 2024

The Spring Series, sailed over 12 races, has now been completed with a good number of entrants. The overall winners were Robert and Sue Signer (Flying Fifteen), with Paul Farish (Flying Fifteen) coming in second and Will Barrett (Flying Fifteen) coming in third.

The Winners
The Winners

News Logo Opening Day Race, 21st April 2024

There was a good turnout for the opening race of the season (the President's Plate). With a mix of sunshine and light winds, the results were fairly close. The main placings were: 1st Will Barrett (Flying Fiteen), 2nd Paul Farish (Flying Fifteen), and 3rd David Kohn (Laser).

News Logo Club Readied for Sailing, 23rd March 2024

The club was readied for sailing on 23rd March, including getting the site neat and deploying the racing marks. One young member also took the opportunity for a first sail. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Deploying Marks A First Sail
Deploying Marks A First Sail

News Logo Archived News

See the separate list of archived news items.