(latest items appear first)

News Logo Loch Ard on YouTube, 31st December 2023

A time-lapse video of the Loch in 2023 is now available on YouTube. This combines photographs taken by the Loch Ard web camera at 12.00 each day.

News Logo Web Cam Photographs, 31st December 2023

Some of the nicer photos taken by the webcam in 2023 are as follows. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Noon 01/01/23 Sunrise 19/01/23
Noon 01/01/23 Sunrise 19/01/23
Sunset 24/02/23 Mid-Afternoon 07/03/23
Sunset 24/02/23 Mid-Afternoon 07/03/23

News Logo 2023 Racing Results, 16th October 2023

Racing results for the whole season have now been announced. Detailed results are available to members, while a summary is available online.

News Logo Club Closed for Winter, 7th October 2023

The club is now closed for the winter, restarting in Spring 2024.

News Logo Racing, 27th August 2023

Racing continues at the club, most recently for the Admirals and Founders series. Robert and Sue Signer took first place in both races on 27th August. Some photos of the races are as follows. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Flying Fifteen Racing 27/08/23 Solo Racing 27/08/23
Flying Fifteen Racing 27/08/23 Solo Racing 27/08/23

Our Ukrainian friends continue to develop their sailing skills in Flying Fifteens and enjoyed the afternoon's racing.

News Logo Sailing Training, 18th June 2023

The club held a sailing training day on 18th June, with a combination of sunny weather and a good breeze. The club was pleased to welcome two Ukrainian youngsters who wished to learn sailing. We look forward to seeing them come back and develop their skills further.

Sailing Training 23/06/23 Sailing Training 23/06/23
Sailing Training 23/06/23 Sailing Training 23/06/23

News Logo Drascombe Sailing, 20th-21st May 2023

The club was pleased to welcome members of the Drascombe Association with visitors from St Mary's loch, Edinburgh and Conway north Wales.

Eight boats arrived on Friday evening so they were ready to make the most of the weekend’s activities. On Saturday our visitors enjoyed a treasure hunt down the loch, even though much was done by rowing due to a lack of wind. The evening meal was followed by an impromptu jam session in the clubhouse session, with recorder, guitar, violin and two small accordions.

Sunday brought a nice easterly breeze that gave all our visitors a chance to enjoy the delights of the loch. Everyone thought we lived up to our motto as ‘the friendly club’. It was great to see so many of these unusual boats and their characterful crews.

Some photos of the event are as follows. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Jam Session 20/05/23 Drascombe 21/05/23
Jam Session 20/05/23 Drascombe 21/05/23
Drascombes 21/05/23 Drascombes 21/05/23
Drascombes 21/05/23 Drascombes 21/05/23

News Logo Opening Day Race, 23rd April 2023

The first race of the season was sailed in pleasant conditions for the President's Plate. The main placing were: 1st Robert and Sue Signer (Flying Fifteen), 2nd Oliver Wesolowski (Laser Radial), 3rd Paul Farish and Ian (Flying Fifteen).

News Logo General Notice of Race, 22nd April 2023

For club racing in 2023, a general Notice of Race has been issued.

News Logo Loch Ard on YouTube, 31st December 2022

A time-lapse video of the Loch in 2022 is now available on YouTube. This combines photographs taken by the Loch Ard web camera at 12.00 each day.

News Logo Web Cam Photographs, 31st December 2022

Some of the nicer photos taken by the webcam in 2022 are as follows. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Sunrise 22/01/22 Mid-Morning 24/02/22
Sunrise 22/01/22 Mid-Morning 24/02/22
Mid-Afternoon 05/11/22 Sunset 05/11/22
Mid-Afternoon 05/11/22 Sunset 05/11/22

News Logo Club now Closed for Winter, 9th October 2022

After a successful sailing season, the club is now closed for the winter. Activities will resume in April 2023 with the regular sailing programme.

News Logo Solo Travellers' Results, 8th October 2022

The Scottish Solo fleet gathered at Loch Ard Sailing Club on 8th October for the last of this season's HD Sails Travellers Series. Shifty winds made for challenging races. The results were as follows. A full report can be found online.

PosSail NoHelmClub R1R2R3Pts
1st6043Kevan Gibb Largo Bay-2112
2nd5602Kieth Milroy St Marys SC1-334
3rd5948Stuart Gibson CCC Bardowie32DNC5
4th5841Ross Watson East Lothian-4426
5th4975Charlie Brecknell Chanonary SC6-7410
6th4766David Whyte CCC Bardowie-115611
7th4502Malcolm WorsleyRTYC56-911
8th5889David Parkin ASYC7-8512
9th4856Robert Signer LASC-109716
10th4517Robert Taylor Dalgety Bay SC8-10816
11th4850Donald Aitken Largo Bay9RETDNC22
12th561Bruce Birrell Largo Bay1211RET23

A photo of the prize-winners appears below. (Click to see a larger version of the photograph.)

Solo Prize-Winners
Solo Prize-Winners

News Logo Club Regatta Results, 14th August 2022

The club held its annual regatta on 13th and 14th August. For the 13th, the top placings were as follows: 1st Robert Signer (Flying Fifteen), 2nd Paul Farish and Paul Moore (Flying Fiften), 3rd Will Barrett and Jim Bedwell (Flying Fifteen). For the 14th, the top placings were as follows: 1st Jeff Heath (Solo), 2nd equal Robert Signer (Flying Fifteen), 2nd equal Paul Farish and Paul Moore (Flying Fifteen). Congratulations to Robert Signer for being the overall winner.

News Logo Spring Handicap Results, 29th May 2022

The eight-race Spring Handicap series is now complete, with the main placings as follows: 1st Robert and Sue Signer (Flying Fifteen), 2nd Paul Farish and Oliver Wesolowski (Flying Fiften), 3rd Dick Arnold (Flying Fifteen).

News Logo Opening Day Race, 1st May 2022

The opening day race for the President's Plate took place in very light and variable winds. The main placings were as follows: 1st Paul Moore and Bob Duncan (Flying Fifteen), 2nd Nigel Orr (Heron), 3rd Will Barrett and Gavin Barrett (Flying Fifteen).

Some photos of the event are as follows. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Flying Fifteen Heron and Solo
Flying Fifteen Heron and Solo

News Logo 2022 Programme Announced, 19th February 2022

The 2022 sailing programme has been announced.

News Logo Loch Ard on YouTube, 31st December 2021

A time-lapse video of the Loch in 2021 is now available on YouTube. This combines photographs taken by the Loch Ard web camera at 12.00 each day.

News Logo Web Cam Photographs, 31st December 2021

Some of the nicer photos taken by the webcam in 2021 are as follows. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Mid-Morning 01/01/21 Sunrise 03/01/21
Mid-Morning 01/01/21 Sunrise 03/01/21
Sunrise 22/01/21 Sunrise 02/11/21
Sunrise 22/01/21 Sunrise 02/11/21

News Logo Club Closed for Winter, 11th October 2021

The club is now closed for the winter, the restart date in April/May 2022 depending on coronavirus restrictions.

News Logo Drennan Trophy, 10th October 2021

The final race of the season was sailed in changeable conditions, but with sufficient wind for a good circuit of the loch. The top placings were: 1st Robert and Sue Signer (Flying Fifteen), 2nd Rob and Ann-Margaret Cordingley (Flying Fifteen) and 3rd Oliver Wesolowski (Laser).

News Logo Solo Travellers Event, 9th October 2021

The club was pleased to receive a fleet of visiting Solos for a travellers event on 9th October. This was sailed in misty conditions with light and variable winds. Three races were sailed back-to-back, with the wind dying towards the end of race 3. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Windward Mark for Race 1 Some of The Competitors
Windward Mark for Race 1 Some of The Competitors

Overall results for the three races were as follows:

Place Sail No Helm Club Points Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
1 5408 Tony King Derwent Reservoir 2 1 1 4
2 5618 Jon Gay Lochaber YC 5 10 4 1
3 5602 Keith Milroy STML SC 5 3 2 14 (DNF)
4 4856 Robert Signer Loch Ard SC 8 6 9 2
5 5889 David Parkin AS YC 8 2 6 14 (DNF)
6 5841 Ross Watson Loch Tummel 10 9 7 3
7 4975 Charlie Brecknell - 10 7 3 14 (DNF)
8 4969 Gary Macfarlane Bardowie 13 8 8 5
9 5496 Patrick Burns Dalgety Bay 15 4 11 14 (DNF)
10 561 Amanda Henderson Lochaber YC 16 11 5 14 (DNF)
11 4766 David White Bardowie 17 5 12 14 (DNF)
12 5447 Nigel Ford St Andrews SC 22 12 10 14 (DNF)
13 4297 Douglas Hay Bardowie 27 13 14 (DNS) 14 (DNS)

News Logo Summer Solstice Sortie, 19th June 2021

Despite a rather un-June like day, a good number of club members and friends enjoyed the annual barbecue and summer solstice sortie on 19th June. Culinary skills were much in evidence. Despite a variable wind, a number of boats were able to sail to the bottom of the loch and back, with younger members having a great time on paddle boards and kayaks. Some spent more time in the loch than on it! (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Pre-Sortie Barbecue Setting Off for The Sortie
Pre-Sortie Barbecue Setting Off for The Sortie

News Logo Spring Handicap Series, 30th May 2021

30th May saw the last set of races in the Spring Handicap series. Members have enjoyed some excellent sailing, with the last race providing ideal conditions: a good easterly force 3 wind, gusts giving rise to white horses, and full sunshine. The results of the series are: 1st Ken Turner (Solo), 2nd Nigel Orr (Heron), 3rd Will Barret (Flying Fifteen). (Click to see a larger version of the photograph.)

Last Race of Series
Last Race of Series

News Logo Club Reopened, 2nd May 2021

The club reopened on 2nd May for social-distanced sailing activities. There was a race for the President's Plate, with Robert and Sue Signer taking the Honours in a Flying Fifteen. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Group at Club House Flying Fifteen Racing
Group at Club House Winning Flying Fifteen

News Logo Loch Ard on YouTube, 31st December 2020

A time-lapse video of the Loch in 2020 is now available on YouTube. This combines photographs taken by the Loch Ard web camera at 12.00 each day.

News Logo Web Cam Photographs, 31st December 2020

Some of the nicer photos taken by the webcam in 2020 are as follows. (Click to see a larger version of the photographs.)

Mid-Morning 01/01/20 Sunrise 03/03/20
Mid-Morning 01/01/20 Sunrise 03/03/20
Sunrise 27/09/20 Mid-Morning 15/10/20
Sunrise 27/09/20 Mid-Morning 15/10/20

News Logo Club now Closed for Winter, 11th October 2020

After a limited season for sailing, the club is now closed for the winter. Hopefully we will be able to resume in April 2021 with a normal sailing programme.

News Logo Club Club Partially Reopened, 9th July 2020

Club members may now make limited use of the cluhouse and site, subject to a variety of restrictions prescribed by the Committee to ensure safety. Club events have not yet been resumed.

News Logo Club Activities Cancelled, 24th March 2020

The Committee has carried out a risk assessment of the ongoing coronavirus situation using the guidance available. Having done this, the Committee has decided, with great regret, that all club events should be cancelled until further notice. For the same reason, the clubhouse will be unavailable to members in the meantime. Members considering using the club outdoors are asked to respect Scottish Government travel guidance and social distancing.

News Logo Historical News

See the separate list of historical news items.